Brushing n°2 (english version)

Brushing n°2 (english version)

The TF1 Publicité monthly video magazine, Brushing, now includes English subtitles. Every month, in Brushing, you will learn all about the manufacturing secrets of a particular advertising campaign, meet a key player of the advertising industry, discover TF1's backstage, and much more.

In Brushing's current issue, Laurent-Eric Le Lay, CEO of TF1 Publicité presents the 2015 TV Trade conditions. La Poste, the French Post service group tells all about their campaign MonTimbreamoi ("my stamp"), the first TV Real Time Advertising campaign. Nicolas Monnot, Renault's Marketing Director, details the new Twingo launch campaign. Finally, BBC Worldwide and TF1 Production present the new season of Dancing with the stars.